06.06.2024 16:23, Gert Doering пишет:


We used to have


to prevent Windows from doing DNS lookups "around the VPN" - the main
intent of this was "make sure split DNS works", but a side effect has
also been "avoid DNS leaks".

Heiko has now extended this code to be able to "block everything not
going into the VPN".  To activate this, you need

   redirect-gateway def1 block-local

in your config ("block-local" is the keyword, but without "def1" you
end up with a split-tunnel and "nothing else is allowed", which is rarely
a really good combination).

Repeat: if "redirect-gateway block-local" is active, NO packets leave
via LAN/WiFi/... interfaces, except those sourced by the openvpn.exe
process.  This is important for maximum privacy, especially if you
roam into a network with an untrusted DHCP server.

redirect-gateway def1 block-local

also apply block-outside-dns ?

Thank you!

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