
We are using a LogTraffic.sh script to log client stats at disconnect:

   client-disconnect scripts/LogTraffic.sh

This script logs (among other) the assigned IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, configured in a ccd file as follows for a specific user:

   ifconfig-ipv6-push 2001:648:2011:xxxx::4/64 2001:648:2011:a32::1

Although the client connects and gets the configured IP Addresses, the log script does not seem to log the IPv6 address correctly:

logger -p local5.info -t openvpn -- "{\"clientUID\": \"$username\", \"clientHostAddress\": \"$trusted_ip\", \"clientIPv4\": \"$ifconfig_pool_remote_ip\", \"clientIPv6\": \"$ifconfig_ipv6_remote\", \"txVolume\": $bytes_sent, \"rxVolume\": $bytes_received, \"sessionStartUnix\": $time_unix, \"sessionStopUnix\": $((time_unix + time_duration)), \"sessionDurationSeconds\": $time_duration, \"sessionStart\":\"$(date --date=@$time_unix)\",\"sessionStop\":\"$(date --date=@$((time_unix + time_duration)))\", \"sessionDuration\": \"$(printf '%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $((time_duration/3600)) $((time_duration%3600/60)) $((time_duration%60)))\" }"

In particular, the parameter: ifconfig_ipv6_remote does not seem to contain the right value (unless I am not using the right parameter in the first place).

In the above user example, the IPv6 address logged was 2001:648:2011:a32::2, whereas we would like to log the address: 2001:648:2011:xxxx::4. (Note that the logging takes place in the systemd journal.)

We are on CentOS 8. I have tested using versions 2.4.11 (from EPEL) and 2.5.2 (from dsommers/openvpn-release).

I don't know if the whole system setup/architecture affects the discussed parameter values, in which case I can provide more details, if requested.

Any idea or other feedback/advice on the above will be welcome.

Thanks in advance,

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