This does kind of depend on how one defines "2FA".  If you define the
"two factors" as a certificate and a password, then just
auth-user-pass and set up the PAM plugin.

If you want MFA, where the factors are a certificate, password, *and*
OTP, then you'll need to do what you're talking about with respect to
OTP authentication.

Just me being pedantic.  :)


On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 12:34 PM Selva Nair <> wrote:
> Hi
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 11:58 AM David Mehler <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thank you for your reply. I do not have a plugin-auth-pam I've run a
>> find for it.Where would this be at, this would be perfect, espeecially
>> if I'm understanding your response right each client certificate would
>> then be bound to a specific username and password which would have to
>> be validated serverside.
> The plugin location may depend on the distribution. In ubuntu and debian it 
> may be in
>  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn/plugins/
> Note that you need a fairly recent version of OpenVPN (iirc 2.4.10 or later) 
> for the plugin to take apart the password and PIN and present it to PAM. You 
> will need:
> In client config:
> auth-user-pass
> static challenge "Challenge text (eg., Enter the auth code)" 1
> In server config
> plugin /usr/lib/openvpn/ "openvpn login:
> USERNAME Password: PASSWORD Verification OTP"
> This assumes your PAM module prompts for login:, Password: and, say, 
> Verification code:
> (See README.auth-pam distributed with OpenVPN for how to format the
> above line to match your pam setup).
> There is a lot of discussion of this in the users-list. Search the list 
> archive. One of the latest threads is
> For older versions of PAM plugin which does not understand OTP, one option is 
> to ask the user to input the password and OTP as a single string and then 
> take it apart in your PAM module. In that case remove static challenge from 
> user config. But this is no longer required, nor recommended -- use 2.4.10+ 
> or 2.5.x on the server.
> Selva
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