On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 05:57:29 +0000 (UTC), Jason Long via Openvpn-users
<openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

>in my use case I set up a VPN server on a public IP with the sole purpose to 
>as a connection point between an IoT device running on a LAN with no public IP
>available which we needed to access in order to configure, control and retrieve
>data from.
>The solution was:
>- Set up an OpenVPN server with a dyn-DNS address on the public side.
>- Configure it to only allow client-to-client connections (so no other routing)
>- Use the ccd system to assign specific tunnel addresses to each device when
>- Make the IoT device connect to the VPN as part of the boot sequence
>Now we can connect our PC to the same VPN and then connect to the device(s)
>using their known tunnel addresses.
>This works like a charm. :-)
>Bo Berglund
>>Developer in Sweden
>What is the correct syntax of 
>push "dhcp-option dns" for Windows OS client?

I wonder:

Have you even bothered to read/search in the OpenVPN documentation at all?
Seems not since you are wildly posting ne question threads here, which can be
answered by reading the doc and searching for your arguments...


And this answer is written in the community HowTo

Pushing DHCP options to clients

The OpenVPN server can push DHCP options such as DNS and WINS server addresses
to clients. Windows clients can accept pushed DHCP options natively, while
non-Windows clients can accept them by using a client-side --up script which
parses the foreign_option_n environmental variable list. See ?Using DNS servers
pushed to clients.

For example, suppose you would like connecting clients to use an internal DNS
server at or and a WINS server at Add this to the
OpenVPN server configuration:

push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option WINS"

To test this feature on Windows, run the following from a command prompt window
after the machine has connected to an OpenVPN server:

ipconfig /all

The entry for the TAP-Windows adapter should show the DHCP options which were
pushed by the server. 

It is pretty disrespectful to totally ignore the existing documentation and
instead spam a mailing list like this one!

Just in the last 10 days you have started no less than 14 separate threads
concerning this non-standard project of yours.

This in a list that normally carries just a handful of threads per month!
Please realize that these discussions wind up into everyones mailboxes!

I belive you would be better off posting into the OpenVPN web forum instead and
keep your questions inside a single thread there:


Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

Openvpn-users mailing list

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