Hello everyone,

this has been a low yield week as I had to make many efforts to work with
the antenna I have pick up on monday @ ninux.

First I got to work on setting the defaults on the netjosn with the
information from the jsonchema. This is something close to my heart as I
would really like to have jsonschema do the grunt work of validation and
filling default values in one pass.

Unfortunately this patch will likely be rejected this summer as it breaks
all the tests in the project, I'm not happy with rewriting all of them and
so I chose to move one with more important things, TESTING!

Unfortunately thursday passed with much head scratching due to connection
dropping, antenna resetting and the likes. It runs linux with busybox and
some extra utility from ubiquity network that I have yet to understand

On wednesday I decided I was missing too much of the irc conversation so I
set up an irc bouncer so I could still read everything even when doing work
detached from the internet. Obviously this has taken most of my day's work
but now I can read you all everytime!

The other week's work can be described as me trying to get a head of how
the configuration gets "written" to the antenna and how I can make some
adjustments to the process.

I will document my findings more throughrougly next week but as an
anticipation I can tell I'm not kicked out of the antenna everytime I
reload something!

And today? Today I'm trying to understand deeply the first step of the
configuration update, using the ubntcfg utility to decide when there can be
a softrestart of a restart is needed and the likes.

As always enjoy the weekend

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