Hello Everyone,

you may have noticed "LuCI the Lua Configuration Interface" in the official 
release announcement for Kamikaze 8.08
As there was not much information about this project in the past and we 
noticed several people asking in different places for it we like to make a 
little announcement here:

LuCI is a new approach for a web user interface for OpenWRT.

It aims to be free, clean and extensible.
While most similar configuration interfaces make heavy use of the 
Shell-scripting language LuCI uses the Lua programming language and splits up 
the interface into logical parts like models and views, uses object-oriented 
libraries and templating. That ensures a higher performance, smaller 
installation size, faster runtimes and what is most important: better 

To the project status:
LuCI is already quite stable and we are doing last improvements and bugfixes 
before the first RC version.

At the moment all base-system networking and configuration stuff can be edited 
via LuCI plus a few more applications like firewalling and port-forwarding 
stuff, a statistics collector with rrdtool-graphs, OLSR and QoS support are 

We are always looking for people to maintain, improve or create web interface 
components. Maybe you would like to implement a webinterface page for your 
favorite application: It's not that difficult. 

If you want to contribute feel free to contact us. Any help whether it may be 
development, designing, translation or documentation stuff is highly 

You will find all project-related links including a more detailed project 
description, the sourcecode repositories, screenshots and howtos on our 
current project website:



Cyrus and Jow
Lead Developers of LuCI
openwrt-devel mailing list

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