Hi, guys.

The background: I am running openvpn on port 53 because it is the only
open port at a given site. For that reason, I had to beat into
submission both dnsmasq (telling it NOT to bind, but lan:53)
and openvpn.

Since openvpn does not allow an interface to be specified, I had to whip
up a script that updates all openvpn config sections dynamically when
run from hotplug with the current wan ip address.

The script relies on openvpn's own initscript, to minimize code
duplication. I am sure it could be improved, but I strived hard to reuse
as much as possible of the config infrastructure.

So, here it is... say HI if you find it useful :-)

# OpenVPN dynamic ip reconfiguration script
# Copyright (C) 2009 Andrea Borgia
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.

. /etc/functions.sh
. /etc/init.d/openvpn

reconfig_service_with_dynamic_address() {
        local section="$1"
        local enable=0
        local ipaddr=""

        # Config read/write examples:
        # config_get ipaddr vpn_name local
        # config_set vpn_name local $ipaddr
        # disabled?
        config_get_bool enable "$section" enable 0
        [ "$enable" == 0 ] && return 0

        ipaddr=`ifconfig "$ifname" | grep "inet addr" | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" 
" -f1`
        [ -z "$ipaddr" ] && return 0
        config_set "$section" local "$ipaddr"

if [ "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ]; then
        local ifname=""
        config_load network
        config_get ifname wan ifname
        [ -z "$ifname" ] && return 0
        config_load openvpn
        case "${ACTION:-ifup}" in
                        config_foreach reconfig_service_with_dynamic_address 
                        config_foreach stop_service openvpn
                        config_foreach start_service openvpn
                        config_foreach stop_service openvpn

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