Having discussed it several times with Florian, I would be great to
gather ideas and suggestions from other people, and more particularly
from those who work on a firmware based on OpenWrt.

I believe there are several companies already doing this, and more that
are thinking on doing so. The more we ease the work for them, the more
they will use OpenWrt, and the more they will contribute.

Sounds nice uh? :)


> Hi,
> I've been thinking lately on what could be done in OpenWrt to
> ease the maintenance of a firmware based on it.
> It is quite easy to integrate third-party applications by putting them
> into packages and using the feeds, so they stay out of the trunk and
> don't have to be worried about.
> Then you have the base system and the packages:
> 1. you'd like to stay synchronized with the OpenWrt repository
> 2. you'd like to contribute your fixes and enhancements to OpenWrt
> In order to be able to do this easily, you want to minimize the
> differences between the files and the merging you have to do.
> New files are easy to handle, while differences between files are not.
> For patches, it is not a problem, you can just add a patch that fixes
> your specific problem, you'll just have one more file in your
> repository than in openwrt repository.
> However, for configuration files, init files and Makefiles this is
> more problematic. There is a lot of manual merging to do, and it's
> more difficult to contribute a patch to OpenWrt.
> For example:
> packages/admin/syslog-ng/files/syslog-ng.conf
> packages/libs/lzo/Makefile
> packages/net/lighttpd/files/lighttpd.init
> For init and conf files, it could install .init.default
> and .conf.default files if corresponding .init and .conf files are not
> present.
> As for packages, the main issue comes from static and shared
> libraries. Sometimes, you don't want the shared libraries to be
> installed.
> That's why it would be great to introduce an InstallShared rule.
> What do you think?
> Regards,
> -Raphaël
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