> I've been trying to figure out how to setup a box behind my router (running
> Backfire) and make it publicly routable. This is needed since it is running
> services for which no properly working ALGs are available under Linux. I'm
> fairly sure there's something obvious I'm missing, so that's why I'm asking
> the experts here ;)
> This is a router with the WAN on a DSL connection, but with extra static IPs
> available from the provider.  The switch chip is supported by WRT, so I can
> configure VLANs and such if that's required.

I have the same setup, I have 8 public IP addresses from the provider.
I use one for the LAN port and the others are routed back to couple of
servers using Proxy Arp.

in /etc/sysctl.conf use

and adjust your firewall.

Of course google a little bit to find the proper setup/configuration

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