Why would you want to do this?

There's a certain amount of desirability to get a lot of functionality into a "one box 
solution", sure, but at some point one has to ask, "how much is too much"?

Having services that are logically co-located (like firewalling and VPN) 
together makes sense, but there's no compelling reason to have email on a 
boundary machine.

Indeed, there are several strong reasons not to:

* boundary machines have a lot of attack surface, by virtue of being boundary 
* a router/firewall contains relatively little state, and can be replaced 
relatively quickly and easily in the case of corruption, catastrophic failure, 
or subversion. a mail server has a lot of state, in contrast, and needs to be 
backed up regularly.  especially if it's also a message store for IMAP or POP.
* email can contain a lot of personally identifiable information (full name, 
street address, employee id #, etc) that you wouldn't want to put at the edge 
of your network.

I would sooner set up port-forwarding for SMTP (and possibly 587, 143, 993, 
etc) and bury that machine deep in my secure intranet.

Lastly, message processing can be extremely compute intensive (especially if 
you're running spam filters) and use a lot of storage (and energy).

These are not qualities associated with what's typically a border gateway or 
firewall.  We have a box that consumes 12W and has the highest priority on our 
UPS, so it's the last thing shut down when power is off and the UPS is being 
depleted.  Having a lot of storage and/or processing power on that box would 
make it have less run-time on UPS power.

More power consumption also means more heat... you no longer have the option of 
sticking your firewall in a small, poorly ventilated wiring closet.

On 12/21/10 8:54 AM, Denis Shulyaka wrote:

I want my router to run mailing lists and receive the email, but it
appears I have too little experience to make it myself alone.
Therefore I'm looking for community help.

I have managed to prepare Makefiles and build packages for both
mailman and postfix but both still have some issues.
If anyone else is interested, below are the problems I have faced.
Note that you will need to have your rootfs on external storage device
as explained in the wiki because the size of packages is too big.
You can download my current makefiles for Trunk and ipk packages for
D-Link DIR-825 from http://shulyaka.org.ru/devel/ (the link now points
to the router BTW).


To compile postfix you need to compile it natively first for the host
you are building on, because it executes postconf binary while
installing. You need to modify Makefile and set correct path instead
of /home/denis/postfix/src/utils/postconf. I still have to figure it
out how to do it the right way.
The package builds and installs fine, I even was able to send a
message to one of my addresses, but however if I try to send it to
gmail, it rejects it:

Dec 21 19:44:30 shulyaka mail.info postfix/smtp[6411]: 248C476C:
relay=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25, delay=5.7,
delays=4.2/0.04/0.47/0.96, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[] said: 550-5.7.1 [1

The bigger problem is that I cannot set mail aliases. newaliases
complains that there is no /etc/aliases, and if I create one, it
segfaults. Could you give me any hints?


To set up uhttpd server for mailman I have moved luci to another port
and added the following lines to /etc/config/uhttpd:

config uhttpd mailman
        list listen_http
        option home             /usr/local/mailman/web
        option cgi_prefix       /mailman
        no_symlinks             0
The web interface now works good (check
http://shulyaka.org.ru/mailman/listinfo), but mailman doesn't seem to
send emails, there is nothing in the system log.

BTW, is it safe enough to run mailman as root?

Dear community, I need your help!

Best regards,
Denis Shulyaka

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