Apologies, previously posted in wrong list:

In Luci 0.9 something like:
s1:option( DynamicList, ...
got you a nice filed list with add and delete buttons.
In Luci 0.10 this has regressed to just a plain input field.

Remember, I am am using a custom header based on 0.9 version of header.htm.
And yes, there is a cbi.js, whci needs to be loaded in the htm header.
I added that to the header.htm, but still not luck.

- Add a hint to cbi.js to the documentation like for xhr.js.

- What else needs to chnage to make list fields work again. Something
in the lua code that needs to chnage?

Please advise.

Note: I begin to question to wisdom to ad 0.10 into the 10.03.1rc4
maintenance release of OpenWrt. The style of the version (rc4)
suggests incremental bug fixes in preparation for a .1 maintenance
release for 10.03, not step change in functionality. Your thoughts?
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