Al 27/02/11 20:30, En/na ha escrit:

> maybe this is more of interest for you ?
> connect pjsip & tapi

Regarding this one, I see that owsip uses pjsip-ltq-tapi.

The initialization done in pjsip-ltq-tapi seems quite simpler than
the one done in tapidemo:

tapidemo (device_vmmc.c) gets the address registered with lq_register_tapi,
(didn't investigate yet the meaning of that address), uses it to check
if the firmware has already been downloaded, otherwise downloads the 
firmware with the FIO_FW_DOWNLOAD ioctl, then downloads the BBD(?)
using the FIO_BBD_DOWNLOAD ioctl.

the pjsip tapi adaptation (tapi_dev.c) does almost nothing of the above,
it just uses FIO_FW_DOWNLOAD.

Since both those files carry an Infineon copyright, which one is the
"right" procedure?

Obviously tapidemo is right (since it works), but I'd like to know it
tapi_dev.c is also right since it's simpler.

I'm asking since I found a supposedly working sip client using IFX_TAPI,
and I'd like to adapt it to my board, but since I'm not very good with C
I'll have to do some cutting & pasting, so I'd like to cut & paste the
right stuff (and possibly the simplest one) and not the wrong stuff.

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