On 12/04/11 09:15, Yeoh Chun Yeow wrote:
> Unfortunately, the driver that you provided not able to detect the
> switch correctly "ADM6996FC PHY detected".
> I have observed the following:
> eth0: PHY overlaps ADM6996, providing fixed PHY 14.
> eth1: PHY overlaps ADM6996, providing fixed PHY 10.

Okay, I could have seen that one coming. Fortunately, it's not that my detection
code does not work. It's that the driver wishes to be addressed as address 0,
and I forgot that your WAN_PHYMASK and LAN_PHYMASK are set differently.

I should also add 0x before the 14 and 10, I got confused with decimal for a
moment :). It's 16 and 20 decimal.

David already gave the vital piece of information: eth0 is connected to port 4
of the switch.

I'll send you a different driver soon, which hopefully completely fixes the 


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