Good day to all, As I already had posted to the list, I'm experimenting with OpenWRT installation on my fresh-new DIR-615 rev. E4 box. Looks like that current trunk it is pretty unstable on it - I've got unexpected reboots or hangs at random intervals, varying from several minutes to the several hours. I suspect that the reboots are caused by kernel panic followed by hw reset from watchdog, but I hadn't been able to catch it with remote syslog. Every time it looks like everything is fine and then - kaboom - ssh connection get's dropped due to no response from the peer and I find the box being hanged or in process of rebooting itself.
So, my questions are: a) Are there any users of DIR-615 E4 on the list experiencing similar troubles? b) What should I do to try to catch the kmesg at the hang/reboot moment? Should I solder in serial console connector and monitor for messages through it? Or maybe there's some other way like remote kernel debug utilities or something of that kind? Most essential is the (a) part of the question as the problem I face might be related to the possible damage the box might got while I've been soldering USB connector and several SMD resistors to its PCB. ATM I'm thinking about buying another DIR-615 E4 box just to check how does the "virgin vanilla" box behave under OpenWRT. -- Best regards, Alexey Loukianov System Engineer, Mob.:+7(926)218-1320 *nix Specialist
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