--- On Tue, 20/9/11, harish badrinath <harishbadrin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> UnlessĀ  upstream ships binary blobs, freedom to demand
> "show me the
> code" is AFAIK satisfied.

I don't think you understood.  I know how to build *a* version of OpenWrt.  I 
don't know how to build *the* version that created a snapshot.

The GPL says:

"For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all 
modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the 
scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable"

Let me use as an example Backfire 10.03.


It specifies the packages tip only as:

(no revision is given).

So how do I know what version of packages was pulled in at the time of 
building?  I can assume the package source itself ends up in the 'dl' 
directory, so I can back that up so I have the pristine package source, but 
what about the patch set that was applied at that time, and where is the build 
config for that release?

Put in simple terms, where is the build script for a given snapshot?


PS:  As an aside I notice the package sets for snapshots are not complete.  Can 
anyone tell me how I can get the build system to build everything but skipping 
any packages that don't compile?

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