
I'm new to this list. I've been looking at IPv6 modems for a few months; found OpenWRT pretty quickly and liked it more than the alternatives. Fine job you all are doing.

I'm using a DG834 (rev 1) and it works rather nicely, even if ADSL throughput seems low. I had no problem getting it loaded, and with backups of the original flash partitions it seemed a safe exercise. Stupidly, I configured PPP on the LAN interface, which was awkward. I hadn't even cracked the modem's case, let alone got serial converter or JTAG cable. (I've got both, now.) Enter boot loader's FTP server. Strangely, just reloading mtd2 (linux partition) made no difference, so I figured to restore the original firmware and start again. Re-flashing the boot-loader's environment turned out to be an unwise decision: it hung and, on reboot, proved to have scrambled the environment, leaving only the first few-and-a-half entries: not enough for the boot-loader to load the OS. Much fun ensued, including use of a digital scope from which I could read the boot-loader's startup messages, thus proving I had more than a brick. One mystery is, by the time I learned what a serial level-converter is and why one might be needed, the RX line on the modem had blown. Can't think how that happened. Finally, I made a JTAG cable (an "extended" wiggler, at the astronomical cost of $2.15 for some resistors), reflashed the original firmware, and then reloaded OpenWRT and as aforesaid, it's been working very nicely ever since. Shame about the RX line; but at least it wasn't TX; losing that would be, well, a real loss.

I'm sure glad I spent those many, many hours on this modem (replacement cost $87) instead of chucking it away like any sensible person would.

Okay, you lot, enough gas-bagging: get back to work. Heh heh.

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