
I've been running the Buffalo WBMR-HP-G300H routers for a while now, actually three of them on a bonded line, and in general they are working very well.

On one of the lines I am seeing very frequent reboots (of the whole system, not just the DSL) every two or three hours, the other two lines seem to be stable (although I have seen reboots on the other lines, not for the last week or so). The "faulty" line is the one that seems to sync closer to it's limit (it has a smaller noise margin) but it's been stable with other DSL routers in the past.

I am going to swap the hardware around, to make sure it's not something hardware related (they are all running the same firmware), although I suspect it's a panic caused by the lantiq driver when some situation happens on the line ... the same router stayed up for over 6 weeks with no DSL connected while I was puting the build together.

Is there any way to get a crash dump configured in openwrt so I can get more info about the reboot cause?


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