Hello all,

I am experiencing a problem on configuring the snmpd with this configuration:

agentaddress UDP:161
agentaddress UDP6:161
authtrapenable 2
com2sec public default public
com2sec6 public default public
group grp_dEFaUlt_2_public v2c public
view all included .1
access grp_dEFaUlt_2_public "" v2c noauth exact all all none

Using that I am not able to reach the SNMP "server"  by IPv6 and I have this 
output :

Received 45 bytes from UDP/IPv6: [fe80::a00:27ff:fe25:5b52]:40490
0000: 30 2B 02 01  00 04 06 70  75 62 6C 69  63 A1 1E 02    0+.....public...
0016: 04 67 E2 48  20 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  10 30 0E 06    .g.H ......0.0..
0032: 0A 2B 06 01  04 01 C8 57  01 01 01 05  00             .+.....W.....

Received SNMP packet(s) from UDP/IPv6: [fe80::a00:27ff:fe25:5b52]:40490
GETNEXT message
 -- iso.

But the SNMP agent does not answer at the request, I can solve this problem 
using the adding line 

rocommunity6 public [http://marc.info/?l=net-snmp-users&m=117009730030108]

but in this way I can't write anymore … it seems that the 

rocommunity6 public  

override the 

access grp_dEFaUlt_2_public "" v2c noauth exact all all none

Someone already meet that problem or knows how enable the IPv6 access ?

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