Hello all,

I had a look to the /etc/init.d/network script and I would like understand the 
details of its implementation, especially regarding the reload() function; I 
have to say in advance that I don't have a big experience of ubus and netifd - 
maybe should be better say that I know
 nothing about that - and I don't know where to find some documentation about 
them, do you have some useful link ?

As I understand from the OpenWRT related web page 


the ubusd is a daemon which listen for calls and when received it calls a 
function registered with some argument, as I can see from 

root@uplink:~# ubus -v list network.interface.lan
'network.interface.lan' @099f0c8b
        "up": {  }                      
        "add_device": { "name": "String" }
        "remove_device": { "name": "String" }

the "up" function does not take any parameters and the add_device does, am I 
right ?

In the netifd page is reported that:

...Simply run /etc/init.d/network reload. This will issue an ubus-call to 
netifd, telling it to figure out the difference between runtime state and the 
new config and apply only that. This works on a per-interface level, even with 
protocol handlers written as shell scripts…

But which function is called ? Where can I see the code of this function and 
where and how the changes are tracked by netifd ?

Some useful links will be really appreciated because I can't find something 
useful for my level of understanding.

Thanks a lot.

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