On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Hartmut Knaack <knaac...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Paolo Pisati schrieb:
> > and what about missing packages in the release repo? (e.g. transmission
> in 12.09)
> >
> > but even more worryingly, what about security fixes?
> > access points, dsl modem/routers, etcetc are at the forefront of our
> networks and tier1 targets for attacks, how do we handle security?
> >
> > and besides, if we are meant to stick with the original release repo,
> what's the point of 'opkg upgrade'?
> This is a trade-off situation between bleeding-edge functionality and
> stability, and you need to decide on your own, which one is more important
> to you. Security fixes should get into the stable releases, which might
> require an update/upgrade of additionally installed packages. For security
> fixes in the firmware image though (kernel, basic system), it gets a bit
> tricky, since it requires a sysupgrade.

which pkgs are part of the core system? and how a pkg is selected to be
part of core or not?

> opkg upgrade should probably help you, when switching from one release to
> another via sysupgrade, to also move your installed packages to the new
> release.
> And if you now want to switch to trunk, be warned, that this release is
> highly dynamic. While this is no big deal for program packages, you will
> encounter problems to install kernel modules as soon as the bot has built a
> newer version.

ok, let's say that i want to run the bleeding edge (thus trunk), why my
kernel pkg is not present in the list of upgradable pkgs (while there's
clearly a new version)?

flag@OpenWrt:/mnt/storage/flag$ sudo opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/attitude_adjustment.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/trunk.
flag@OpenWrt:/mnt/storage/flag$ sudo opkg list-upgradable | grep -i kernel

flag@OpenWrt:/mnt/storage/flag$ sudo opkg list | grep "^kernel "
kernel - 3.3.8-1-856232096e5924b296e029cee7d328d1

from my web browser:
kernel_3.8.13-1-49956727e4f1f9c9dc03ff3fbe864c7..> 16-Sep-2013 01:49

only 649 bytes? looks like it doesn't detect the new kernel package as a
replacement for my old one, or there's something else wrong here

but at the same time, all the kmod pkgs require the new kernel (and thus if
i 'opkg upgrade' i'll break my system):

flag@OpenWrt:/mnt/storage/flag$ sudo opkg list-upgradable | grep kmod
Multiple packages (kmod-usb-storage and kmod-usb-storage) providing same
name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
kmod-usb-storage - 3.3.8-1 - 3.8.13-1
Multiple packages (kmod-i2c-scx200-acb and kmod-i2c-scx200-acb) providing
same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
kmod-i2c-scx200-acb - 3.3.8-1 - 3.8.13-1
Multiple packages (kmod-usb-core and kmod-usb-core) providing same name
marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
kmod-usb-core - 3.3.8-1 - 3.8.13-1
Multiple packages (kmod-crypto-manager and kmod-crypto-manager) providing
same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
kmod-crypto-manager - 3.3.8-1 - 3.8.13-1

and what are those "Multiple packages (kmod-crypto-manager and
kmod-crypto-manager) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using
latest." messages?

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