On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 11:50:55AM +0200, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> when reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6#Link_local_address
> it seems to me, that the linklocal-address should be uniq,

"unique" is ambiguous: do you mean that the same LL address can't be
present on different interfaces? on different hosts?  That a host can only
have one link-local address per interface?

> but here:
> root@box:~ ip neigh | grep ^'fe80::' | grep "lladdr $mac"
> fe80::1cfc:fe65:769:3784 dev wlan0 lladdr 84:b1:53:b2:b8:b3 STALE
> fe80::cea:3b47:5812:96be dev wlan0 lladdr 84:b1:53:b2:b8:b3 STALE

  # ip -6 addr add fe80::1cfc:fe65:769:3784/64 dev eth0
  # ip -6 addr add fe80::cea:3b47:5812:96be/64 dev eth0

I don't see any problem with that.

In your case, fe80::1cfc:fe65:769:3784 is an EUI64 address, while the
other one is not (so, probably added manually).

> why this? bye, bastian
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