John Crispin <> writes:

> ok, i am currently bumping some targets to v3.17. lets assume it is
> broken for < 3.16 and hope 3.17 works.
> NCM seems to be broken by design and only a container as each dongle
> apparently uses its own AT magic. at least between Motorola, Sony and
> Huawei they are totally different.

Yes, the lack of a standardized management protocol is one of the NCM
shortcomings which were solved by MBIM (which started out as "NCM 2.0").

> personally i have been using mbim since i wrote umbim and it just works :)

Good to hear :-)

> thanks for the insight, lets hope it works after the kernel bump

It should at least allow us to try out a few things on the fly without
having to rebuild the driver.

One thing I forgot to mention is that you can completely disable the
padding in v3.16+ by setting "min_tx_pkt" >= "tx_max".  And these
settings can be changed while the modem is actively in use
(i.e. connected).

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