I'll try to get opinions about this.

Since we're in the middle of packages migration, maybe it's an interesting
opportunity to try to use ncursesw and drop ncurses.

ncursesw is ncurses + Unicode (UTF8) support

Both libraries built out of the same source base, and they're just 2 build
>From what I can see, Midnight Commander may have some problems building
with libncursesw, but I think those could be resolved.

python + python3 pick up libncursesw if they find it, but they could be
configured to take libncurses
no idea about impact on other libs, hence this RFC

in the openwrt/packages folder there are only these libs that reference
- deve/gdb
- utils/util-linux
- network/utils/iftop
- network/services/samba36

libncursesw is slightly fatter (360 kb) than libncurses (295 kb)
Having both installed on a device seems redundant, even though together the
bloat is not too big.

So, then, what would be some opinions/prefs ?

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