I'm having trouble finding the right place to ask about the problems I
having with OpenWrt on my rb-2011uias-2hnd.  I have asked about it
here (where Soren Harward has tried to help) and on the forums where
no one seemed to be able to help.

I *think* it's a 'developer' problem in a way as I think it must be
some sort of initial configuration problem.  As far as I can gather
(from Soren Harward) the Gigabit ports work on his (slightly
different) RB2011 with on of the Barrier Breaker release candidates.

I get the same symptoms with both the default Mikrotik BARRIER BREAKER
(14.07, r42625) build and with a build I configured myself from the
current trunk.

The two problems I have are:-
    The five Gigabit ports (ETH1 to ETH5) just don't work.  The five
    10/100 ports (ETH6 to ETH10) work perfectly.

    The USB doesn't seem to work at all, nothing appears in dmesg when
    anything is plugged into the USB.

Is this the right place to ask about this or should I be asking
elsewhere?  As I said I don't seem to be getting any response on the
Forums, I guess that's not surprising because they are user forums and
this isn't reall a usage problem.

I'm happy to try custom builds, patches, diagnostics, etc. I am a
retired C/C++ (on Solaris) programmer. I do need a bit of help on what
to look for though.

Chris Green
openwrt-devel mailing list

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