Hi all,

  I was wondering if some of you guys know about any "automated hotspot
testing tool"?

  The thing is:

  I have a bunch of hotspots running a crafted OpenWRT firmware that I
compile myself.

  Prior each firmware release I manually do a lot of tests like:

     - try to get an IP address via DHCP
     - ssh into the hospot
     - ping some Internet hosts
     - try to navigate in the Internet
     - check if my crafted firewall is running fine
     - etc ..

   I would like to automate all of those tests and I'd like to know if the
OpenWRT community already have or use a tool for that.

  Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

  Thanks in advance ...

Ronaldo Afonso
11 9 5252 0484
openwrt-devel mailing list

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