I confess I am one of those people who has benefited much more than I have contributed to the OpenWRT development group. I run a small company in which I am the chief developer, administrator, customer support dude, marketer, and salesguy. I would LOVE to be able to contribute more to the OpenWRT community, and I do try to test things that are in my way and report what I find from those tests, but I certainly don't feel I pull my weight.

However, in my defense, as you can probably surmise from the description of my job, we're not exactly rolling in extra money or time to contribute. Which I regret, but it is what it is. Anyone interested in joining a currently unfunded startup using OpenWRT, please get in touch.

I recently purchased a WiFi access point that I realized upon plugging it in was running a somewhat restricted version of OpenWRT. I won't say who makes it, but it's a very clever, one might say ingenious, product that I like very much.

However, when I looked at the OpenWRT tree, I could not find an OpenWRT build for this particular device. And that, I must say, has REALLY annoyed me - the company clearly expended some resources to port OpenWRT to their clever device, and certainly benefits from it, but they apparently did not contribute the work they did to support this device back to the community so it could be "officially" part of the OpenWRT ecosystem.

I have also been painfully aware of the infrastructure difficulties that OpenWRT has faced, and I have been quietly admiring the work of those who keep it running as well as it does. As scary as it was when IBM got deeply involved in Linux back in the early 2000s, for instance, I would say their involvement has benefited both parties.

OpenWRT is actually a pretty mature and popular codebase, and it deserves much better infrastructure than it has now. In order to get a better infrastructure, of course, we need, as a community, to attract partners with the ability to contribute that infrastructure. It's great to be in a project that is not beholden to any big companies UNTIL you actually want to get something significant done. Pragmatism has its place.

That's why I was a bit taken aback at the reluctance to embrace prpl's offer. I would like to see an organization in which all possible partners should be welcomed into the community; while we should be appropriately cautious about accepting code from anyone, and subject it to strict review as to suitability, fit with mission and architecture, and quality, we should be pulling partners in, not holding them at arm's length. My hope is that LEDE will either bring this level of pragmatism or will enable OpenWRT to be more pragmatic.

Of course, we have to be clear about the mission, architecture, and the standards of suitability and quality... perhaps that is the departure point for LEDE? I, for one, am eager to better understand, in full atomic granularity, the problems that have led to this departure and what, again, in atomic granularity, LEDE proposes to do differently.

My thinking is that, if OpenWRT or LEDE is able to attract more support from the corporate world, it will serve as an example to those who are using OpenWRT/LEDE of what is expected of a larger company that is gaining from the use of the software, hopefully pressuring them to step up and be better members of the community. I also think that it will lead to more visibility, which can help bring in folks like me who have an idea and can leverage off of OpenWRT/LEDE to produce products that are out of the mainstream.

I'm not privy to all, indeed, any, of the discussions that have led to this point of departure; I am commenting as a strict outsider. My simple desire is to see the codebase continue to grow, in both code and users, and the community to be as open and welcoming as possible. I hope that this move will help achieve that for at least one of the resultant groups. And I shall do what I can to help either or both. My last comment is that the more open of the two communities is likely to be the one where I can most easily see how I might contribute.


Bill Moffitt
Ayrstone Productivity LLC

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