Just FYI there is another mailing list lede-...@lists.infradead.org
which has higher traffic than this one so you possibly might have
better luck there. However that project is actually a fork of openwrt
but they might be able to help you mirror this project all the same.


On 18/06/16 02:22, Madars Virza wrote:
Dear openwrt-devel,

I'm with MIT SIPB, the student computing club of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (https://sipb.mit.edu/). As one of our projects, we
maintain high-speed mirrors for open source projects --
http://mirrors.mit.edu/ .

I'm writing you because we'd like to start mirroring OpenWRT.

Is there an official rsync upstream we could use for this?
downloads.openwrt.org only seems to be accessible over https. If needed
for your firewalls, we can guarantee a static IP for all of our
mirroring activity.

Thank you,

Madars Virza

P.S. We previously sent some other emails, but got no responses; please
let us know if there's a more appropriate list to contact :-)
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