Hi Everyone,

Here are the minutes from today's OpenWrt Summit Committee Call. The next call 
will be on August 2nd at 7am PT/ 16:00 CEST again, and I look forward to seeing 
you then.

As always, please don't hesitate to send me any questions you might have.


OpenWrt Summit Committee Call - July 19th

Shelly Coen
Federico Capoano
Hauke Mehrtens

Michal Hrusecky

- Soliciting more sponsors so that we can offer travel sponsorships. Let's talk 
specific leads/make introductions.
- How many talks will we have?

- How should day two be structured - number of workshops etc

The questions on number of talks and structure of both days are to get an idea 
of the shape of things.

We have had some talks proposed on papercall.io, no workshops just yet. We will 
decide the structure of the workshops when we have had some proposals.

Talks - Rather than just offering 30 minute slots (25 mins talk + 5 mins Q&A), 
we will ask for proposals for 20 minute talks and 40 minute talks (both with an 
extra 5 mins discussion time). This will allow for some more variety throughout 
the day.
Around 7 talks (not including the 10 minute sponsor talk slots) as well as a 
slot for lightning talks - allow attendees to sign up during first coffee break 
and lunch. (This can be a tricky approach but usually once the first person 
signs up, the slots fill quickly)

Federico explained his suggestion of having developer sprints on the second 
day. The concept is that core developers and community members all come 
together and work on OpenWrt/LEDE throughout the day. Not only does this get 
work done on the projects but it strengthens community and is great for 
Hauke and Federico will work together looking into this.

Sponsorship - If we have more sponsors we will be able to offer travel 
scholarships to core developers or speakers who might not otherwise be able to 
attend. Asked for specific suggestions from everyone on people to contact 
(other than those I have already reached out to) and they will ask internally.

CFP - people will spread the word that this is now open.

Shelly Coen
Community Manager, prpl Foundation

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