2018-07-19 19:26 GMT+02:00 Thibaut VARÈNE <ha...@slashdirt.org>:
> faf94d926e2810f895f2a98d4a49ee2fe8f673e8 added "support" for a hacked
> device where the original boot loader (routerboot) has been replaced
> by u-boot.
> Support for this device with stock bootloader is possible (as evidenced
> by support for the RBM33G), and conflicts with this code.
> Remove code before release.
> Signed-off-by: Thibaut VARÈNE <ha...@slashdirt.org>

FYI, I already NAK'ed the very same patch on github.

I do agree that it can be done better by not requiring the replacement
of the bootloader. Nevertheless, support for this board is already
shipped since LEDE-17.01 and I don't agree to drop support for a board
without providing an alternative/fixed/better image.

Same as with Thibauts other patches, this time I'll leave it up to
someone else to make a call.


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