
The local organization team is proud to announce that this year's
Battlemesh will be held near Paris, from 8 to 14 July!

The event aims to bring together people from across the globe who are
interested in community networks, including wireless mesh network
technologies, fiber infrastructure, Do-It-Yourself Internet Access
Providers, and more generally how to create and maintain a thriving
community of people involved in building their own networks.

We envision 7 days full of expert presentations, practical workshops,
late-night hacking sessions, and fruitful discussions: whether you are a
mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, protocol
developer, or have an interest in networking in general, come and join us! 

More information about the event is available below or on the website:


Le 6B, 6-10 quai de Seine, 93200 Saint-Denis, France (very close to

GPS: geo:48.93835,2.34259
Web: https://www.le6b.fr/
Travel directions: https://www.battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12#Where


We will have organized talks, workshops and discussion panels on community
networks and wireless mesh networks.  There will also be more informal
activities: cooperative hacking, self-organized projects, and (we hope)
delightful conversations!

A first draft of the schedule (handle with care!) is available here: 

How to register

The event itself is free of charge and open for all!  However, it makes
the organisation much easier if you tell us in advance that you plan to

To register: https://www.battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12#How_to_register

Current list of participants: https://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12/Participants

Accommodation package

For those of you who are looking for a convenient and low cost
accommodation option in Paris: we negotiated a special group reservation
for 24 people at an hostel.

There are still a few beds left, register now before we run out! 

Call for participation

We invite participants to propose workshops, talks or panel discussions
relating to network infrastructure in general, how it can be built and
operated as a common, and how to sustain a community around networking.

We welcome contributions that broadly address these questions from any of
several perspectives: technical, organisational, economical, regulatory,
juridical, political.

Deadline: 10 May 2019, now extended to June 7th!

To submit an event: 


If your organization wants to support the event by spreading the word, you
can endorse the event.

For this, just write an article on your website / blog / social media, and
send us an email with the link and your logo to: (v12) at (battlemesh) dot (org)

See existing endorsements for a template: 


* Web: https://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12
* Contact email (preferred): v12 at battlemesh.org
* Public mailing list: https://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/battlemesh
* IRC: irc.freenode.net #battlemesh
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/battlemesh/
* Mastodon: https://toot.aquilenet.fr/@battlemesh12

The Local Organization Team

and many other volunteers!

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