Now after nowing how to make a PR, im interested to know how you think about 
some thaughts of me.

Linkit Smart 7688 has a blast of tools they offer in the original firmware 
bild. Compared the one openWRT offers is verry slim.
Is that ment to be so or did nobody care until me?

Some of the Tools:
1. Automatic activation as Accesspoint, because the board is ment for IOT and 
has no Ethernet port. Right now with the official OpenWRT build can not be 
connected to any network without addtional Serial converter.

2. Luci WebGUI

3. Language: Python with PIP

4. Language: Node with NPM

5. mraa from Intel

6. some upm modules from Intel

What of this list wold be possible to integrate in to a official openWRT 
release without scratching rules?

Regards, Ivan Hörler
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