
Based on recent events regarding COVID-19 the Battlemesh and the OpenWrt
developer meeting will not take place in May this year. We will monitor
the situation and plan to organize the event at a different date in
Calafou for instance in September.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [Battlemesh] WBMv13 and COVID-19
Date:   Fri, 13 Mar 2020 23:41:04 +0000
From:   Filipe Borges Teixeira <filipebteixe...@gmail.com>
Reply-To:       Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlem...@ml.ninux.org>
To:     Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlem...@ml.ninux.org>


We are writing to you to give some update on the WBMv13 organization. On
Feb 1st the public poll for voting on the best WBMv13 (Calafou,
Barcelona) dates was published. The poll ended on Feb. 7th, and we
immediately started to work with the local team, Calafou and our
sponsors for the most voted date: May 25-31, 2020.

The recon mission was initially planned for late February, then it was
moved to March 7-8. However, due to the quick developments of COVID-19,
we decided to postpone the recon mission. Weekly meetings with the
mentor team, the local team, and Calafou were made in order to keep
monitoring the situation.

COVID-19 has recently been characterized as a pandemic by the World
Health Organization and in Spain the scenario is getting worse daily
(Catalonia has been confined today). The same is happening in most of
the European countries and all across the globe, with many people
performing remote work, schools and flights canceled and many services
disrupted. At this point, we believe it is not reasonable to keep trying
to organize WBMv13 in May and we are working on other alternative dates
to organize WBMv13, for instance in September. Let's hope that this will
be over within some weeks or months.

We are actively monitoring the situation and will send further updates
in the upcoming weeks. At some point, we will make another poll for
selecting the best date.

Thanks for everyone that has voted and keep safe.

Best Regards,
WBMv13 mentor team

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