On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 00:39, Philip Prindeville
<philipp_s...@redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
> > On May 12, 2020, at 7:08 AM, Yousong Zhou <yszhou4t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 03:21, Philip Prindeville
> > <phil...@redfish-solutions.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> From: Philip Prindeville <phil...@redfish-solutions.com>
> >>
> >> If the start_time > stop_time on a rule, then the --contiguous arg
> >> should be included in the rule.
> >
> > It seems that start_time >= stop_time has its defined meaning in
> > xt_time module.  Better add another uci option for this --contiguous
> > flag.
> >
> > Regards,
> >                yousong
> Sorry, not following.  What would that UCI option look like?
> From iptables-extensions:
>    time
>        This  matches  if the packet arrival time/date is within a given range.
>        All options are optional, but are ANDed when specified. All  times  are
>        interpreted as UTC by default.
>        --datestart YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]]
>        --datestop YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]]
>               Only  match during the given time, which must be in ISO 8601 "T"
>               notation.  The possible time  range  is  1970-01-01T00:00:00  to
>               2038-01-19T04:17:07.
>               If  --datestart or --datestop are not specified, it will default
>               to 1970-01-01 and 2038-01-19, respectively.
>        --timestart hh:mm[:ss]
>        --timestop hh:mm[:ss]
>               Only match during the given daytime. The possible time range  is
>               00:00:00  to 23:59:59. Leading zeroes are allowed (e.g. "06:03")
>               and correctly interpreted as base-10.
>        [!] --monthdays day[,day...]
>               Only match on the given days of the month. Possible values are 1
>               to  31.  Note  that  specifying  31  will of course not match on
>               months which do not have a 31st day; the same goes  for  28-  or
>               29-day February.
>        [!] --weekdays day[,day...]
>               Only  match on the given weekdays. Possible values are Mon, Tue,
>               Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, or values from 1  to  7,  respectively.
>               You may also use two-character variants (Mo, Tu, etc.).
>        --contiguous
>               When --timestop is smaller than --timestart value, match this as
>               a single time period instead distinct intervals.  See EXAMPLES.
>        --kerneltz
>               Use the kernel timezone instead of UTC to  determine  whether  a
>               packet meets the time regulations.
>        About  kernel timezones: Linux keeps the system time in UTC, and always
>        does so.  On boot, system time is initialized from a  referential  time
>        source. Where this time source has no timezone information, such as the
>        x86 CMOS RTC, UTC will be assumed. If the time source is however not in
>        UTC,  userspace  should provide the correct system time and timezone to
>        the kernel once it has the information.
>        Local time is a feature on top of  the  (timezone  independent)  system
>        time. Each process has its own idea of local time, specified via the TZ
>        environment variable. The kernel also has its own timezone offset vari‐
>        able. The TZ userspace environment variable specifies how the UTC-based
>        system time is displayed, e.g. when you run date(1), or what you see on
>        your  desktop clock.  The TZ string may resolve to different offsets at
>        different dates, which is what enables the  automatic  time-jumping  in
>        userspace.  when  DST changes. The kernel's timezone offset variable is
>        used when it has to  convert  between  non-UTC  sources,  such  as  FAT
>        filesystems,  to  UTC  (since the latter is what the rest of the system
>        uses).
>        The caveat with the kernel timezone is  that  Linux  distributions  may
>        ignore  to  set  the  kernel  timezone, and instead only set the system
>        time. Even if a particular distribution does set the timezone at  boot,
>        it  is usually does not keep the kernel timezone offset - which is what
>        changes on DST - up to date.  ntpd will not touch the kernel  timezone,
>        so  running it will not resolve the issue. As such, one may encounter a
>        timezone that is always +0000, or one that is wrong half of the time of
>        the year. As such, using --kerneltz is highly discouraged.
>        EXAMPLES. To match on weekends, use:
>               -m time --weekdays Sa,Su
>        Or, to match (once) on a national holiday block:
>               -m time --datestart 2007-12-24 --datestop 2007-12-27
>        Since the stop time is actually inclusive, you would need the following
>        stop time to not match the first second of the new day:
>               -m     time     --datestart     2007-01-01T17:00      --datestop
>               2007-01-01T23:59:59
>        During lunch hour:
>               -m time --timestart 12:30 --timestop 13:30
>        The fourth Friday in the month:
>               -m time --weekdays Fr --monthdays 22,23,24,25,26,27,28
>        (Note  that  this  exploits  a certain mathematical property. It is not
>        possible to say "fourth Thursday OR fourth Friday" in one rule.  It  is
>        possible with multiple rules, though.)
>        Matching across days might not do what is expected.  For instance,
>               -m  time  --weekdays Mo --timestart 23:00  --timestop 01:00 Will
>               match Monday, for one hour from midnight to  1  a.m.,  and  then
>               again for another hour from 23:00 onwards.  If this is unwanted,
>               e.g. if you would like 'match for two hours  from  Montay  23:00
>               onwards' you need to also specify the --contiguous option in the
>               example above.
> This last section is the bit that I’m trying to address.
> I’m in GMT-0700.
> So if I want a rule granting access from 8am to 9pm… local, that’s 14:00 GMT 
> … 03:00 GMT, but it requires the --contiguous flag for the above reason.
> Are you suggesting adding an option like:
>         option contiguous true | false
> that would cause the argument to get appended when timestart > timestop?
> Would it always be appended or just when timestart > timestop (it’s not clear 
> what it does in the case where timestart < timestop && contiguous)?

My understanding is that "--contiguous" for timestart > timestop makes
sense *only when* either weekday or monthday match are also specified
(for timestart).  See [1]

It's invalid combination "timestart < timestop && contiguous".  See [2]

 [1] time_mt, 
 [2] time_mt_check,


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