The original code required the use of relative addresses into the lua
stack.  It should accept either.

Signed-off-by: Karl Palsson <>
 lua/uloop.c | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lua/uloop.c b/lua/uloop.c
index fcbe274..394970d 100644
--- a/lua/uloop.c
+++ b/lua/uloop.c
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ static int get_sock_fd(lua_State* L, int idx) {
                lua_getfield(L, idx, "getfd");
                if(lua_isnil(L, -1))
                        return luaL_error(L, "socket type missing 'getfd' 
-               lua_pushvalue(L, idx - 1);
+               /* if we have absolute, no need to adjust for getfield() call */
+               lua_pushvalue(L, idx > 0 ? idx: idx - 1);
                lua_call(L, 1, 1);
                fd = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
                lua_pop(L, 1);

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