On 5/1/23 21:28, Peter Naulls wrote:

For those of you who track the small but very real OpenWrt job market, you may have seen there's a creep into Defense/Clearance jobs. Here's but one example:


As a self-declared pacifist (and anyway, dual citizen which would limit my
ability to get clearance), this is most certainly not for me, but I thought it should be something you guys might want to be aware of.

I check from time to time which companies in the US are looking for OpenWrt experts [0] to get an overview who is using it. About 10% to 30% of these job offers require clearance. It looks like the US military and US intelligence community is using OpenWrt. Once I saw a job offer where someone was looking for a person who has experience in writing exploits for OpenWrt and DD-WRT in the Washington, D.C. area, this scared me a bit, normally I do not have the NSA in my thread model. Someone from BAE Systems (largest defence contractor in Europe) was also contacting us at OpenWrt some years ago with questions about the license.

I hope that these companies use OpenWrt mostly to provide Internet access for their soldiers and it is not part of any real weapon system. As OpenWrt is now used by many vendors I think the intelligence agencies around the world are interested in exploits fro OpenWrt.

I heard a rumor some years ago that one of the biggest OpenWrt installation was at the fence between the US and Mexico, but I have no prove that this is true.

The GPL and the other licenses used by OpenWrt do not prevent the usage by any military or intelligence agency. OpenWrt does not do a background check on external contributors. We have contributions from people from many countries the US does not like.


[0]: https://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=openwrt&l=

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