Hi Rafał,

comments inline. Sorry for the bikeshedding ahead.

~ Jo

+__tar_print_padding() {
+       dd if=/dev/zero bs=$1 count=1 2>/dev/null

$1 may be 0 which is an invalid value for `bs=`:

  root@OpenWrt:~# dd bs=0
  dd: number 0 is not in 1..2147483647 range

A value of "0" is valid for `count=` though:

  root@OpenWrt:~# dd bs=1 count=0
  0+0 records in
  0+0 records out

So either revert to the previous version or hardcode `bs` to 1, pass the
desired size via `count=` and live with slightly less efficiency (which likely
does not matter at all).

+__tar_make_member() {
+       local name="$1"
+       local content="$2"

If you make this `local mtime=${3:-$(date +%s)}` you can rename this function to `tar_make_member_inline()` and drop the extra wrapper.

+       local mtime="$3"
+       local mode=644
+tar_make_member_from_file() {

This `tar_make_member_from_file()` wrapper is unused and very trivial, the
only thing it adds is defaulting the mtime value to the mtime of the given
file path. I suggest to drop `tar_make_member_from_file()` entirely and to
rename  `tar_make_member_inline()` below to simply `tar_make_member()`.

Maybe also consider renaming it to `tar_print_member()` or
`tar_output_member()` since that is what it does.

+       local name="$1"
+       __tar_make_member "$name" "$(cat $name)" "$(date +%s -r "$1")"
+tar_make_member_inline() {
+       local name="$1"
+       local content="$2"
+       local mtime="${3:-$(date +%s)}"
+       __tar_make_member "$name" "$content" "$mtime"

Analogous to the suggested name change above, the `tar_close()` function should probably be renamed to `tar_print_trailer()` or `tar_output_trailer()`
as well.

+tar_close() {
+       __tar_print_padding 1024

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