#22300: Network + DHCP not working - dnsmasq fails to start
  Reporter:  zzz2002      |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  Designated Driver (Trunk)
 Component:  base system  |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:               |   Keywords:

Comment (by hnyman):

 Replying to [comment:1 anonymous]:
 > I see there was a change entitled "dnsmasq: run as dedicated UID/GID".
 > I took a quick look at the commit and in it they are using the user &
 group id of dnsmasq.
 > I cannot find the user dnsmasq being setup in either passwd or group
 > I assume that it is supposed to be setup by somebody, somewhere.
 Yes, it is. Defined in the Makefile and the the installation routine
 creates the user and group.

 This bug is duplicate of #22271, #22277 and #22278.
 Info also at https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=64476

 49252 breaks things in a major way in a sysupgrade with settings
 preserved, as dnsmasq does not start after the sysupgrade and that breaks
 DNS and DHCP.

 If a router is flashed with a new firmware with revision >= 49252 and the
 old settings are saved during the sysupgrade, the new firmware will expect
 to find the user "dnsmasq" in /etc/password and /etc/shadow as well as the
 group "dnsmasq" in /etc/group but as those values are not found in the
 saved old settings, dnsmasq does not start and all connectivity breaks
 down.  (The required values were created to the new settings files in the
 firmware itself, but you overwrote the new files by the old saved

 I fixed my own router by manually copying /rom/etc/passwd, /rom/etc/shadow
 and /rom/etc/group to /etc  (and rebooting)

 other possible fixes:
 1) use "firstboot" command to reset the router, or select Reset in Luci.
 2) manually edit those three files and add the lines shown in comment 1 of
 bug #22271

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/22300#comment:2>
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