#19410: openvpn-openssl package depency issue
  Reporter:                |      Owner:  developers
  bartjanssens92@…         |     Status:  closed
      Type:  defect        |  Milestone:
  Priority:  normal        |    Version:  Trunk
 Component:  packages      |   Keywords:  openvpn, openssl, depency, kernel
Resolution:  not_a_bug     |

Comment (by zeitsofa):

 I can verify this issue, also after reflush device. I installe the 15.05
 on my device and want to add openvpn-services.

 :~# opkg install openvpn-easy-rsa openvpn-openssl
 Package openvpn-easy-rsa (2013-01-30-2) installed in root is up to date.
 Installing openvpn-openssl (2.3.6-5) to root...
 Collected errors:
  * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for
  *      kernel (= 3.18.23-1-b2f200610f46d20ef52d269421369d0c) *
  * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package openvpn-openssl.

 It's same like openvpn-polarssl

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/19410#comment:2>
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