#22983: http://www.supplement2go.com/vitalpeak-xt/
 Reporter:  anonymous  |      Owner:  developers
     Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:
Component:  packages   |    Version:  Trunk
 Keywords:             |
 Bear this in mind: I am going in circles. However, you can thoroughly
 enjoy a Vitalpeak XT without really knowing how it was put together.
 Vitalpeak XT is as easy as falling off a log. I need to get on the ball.
 Although I'm using Vitalpeak XT as an example, note this points I make
 apply to Vitalpeak XT too.>>>>>>>>>> http://www.supplement2go.com

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/22983>
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