#11091: Router reboot on high download traffic.
  Reporter:  cristian.sandu@…  |      Owner:  hauke
      Type:  defect            |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:  Barrier Breaker 14.07
 Component:  base system       |    Version:  10.03.1
Resolution:                    |   Keywords:

Comment (by Slicer):

 With the new Chaos Calmer Head (March 5th) and a new compiled image the
 connection is stable over wireless lan. The maximum throughput is about
 Unfortunaltely the connection is crashing with a lan connection. With ths
 kind of connection the peak is about 20Mbps but crashes immediately.
 All measuremetns were done with speedtest.net.
 Hope that helps a little bit.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/11091#comment:45>
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