#19621: curl / polarssl handshake error
  Reporter:  anonymous    |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:  Chaos Calmer 15.05
 Component:  base system  |    Version:  Trunk
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  curl polarssl

Comment (by wim@…):

 Still broken in r49379 ar71xx devices, DIR-505.
 Please get a free account at now-ip.com, it's really easy compared to no-
 ip.com. It's much harder to set up a platform to crosscompile 'everything'
 plus curl+openssl, just to discover that that wouldn't fit in the DIR505.
 It's still possible that the real problem lies at now-ip.com, but their
 contact addresses don't work and the only one that did work (via WHOIS)
 stays unanswered.
 They require https with curl.
 As an alternative, noip.com will work with http instead of https. But that
 doesn't resolve the bug.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/19621#comment:26>
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