#22880: Coova-Chilli init script bug
  Reporter:  webtron   |      Owner:  developers
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  packages  |    Version:  Chaos Calmer 15.05
Resolution:            |   Keywords:  coova-chilli init

Comment (by webtron):

 Update on this
 This bug is present in the trunk too.
 By commenting out the killall command I ended up with multiple instance of
 Coova running with the same config so I've changed the stop function and
 all works now as expected. I don't know how to write a patch for Openwrt
 so if someone can create a patch from below it would be great.
 Change this stop function in /etc/init.d/chilli
 stop() {

     ls /var/run/chilli*.pid 2>/dev/null && {

         kill $(cat /var/run/chilli*.pid)
         sleep 1
         killall -9 chilli
         rm -f /var/run/chilli*



 stop() {
     for pID in $( pgrep chilli )
        kill  $pID
     rm -f /var/run/chilli*

 I've tested this with single and multiple instances of Coova configured
 and it works as expected. I can now restart and reload Coova successfully.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/22880#comment:1>
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