On 13 Feb 2013 16:38, "Marco Cirillo" <mara...@lightwitch.org> wrote:
> Just figured I would let you know,
> I'm experiencing very slow s2s communication establishments torward
jabber.org, it doesn't seem due to latency or other congestion factors.

Well, that's curious.

I'd note that your certificate appears to have a CN=*.lightwitch.org, but
my server at least rejects the subdomains, so I suspect there's sRVName
and/or xmppAddress SANs which don't cover these. M-Link (correctly) ignores
commonName RDNs if SANs exist. That said, lightwitch.org itself should be
working fine; and appears to be from my server at least.

M-Link doesn't reuse a connection opened for verification, which'd explain
the two reverse connections, so it'll open a connection for verification
then a reverse path.

As for why it's taking so long, it could be almost anything - usually I'd
expect this to be something along the lines of an unreachable highest pref
server - could be that it's trying and failing to reach your IPv6 address,
possibly? I note that from my network, latency to the IPv6 address is twice
that of IPv4 currently (both quite high).


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