
On Montag, 4. März 2013, 12:45:59 you wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-03-04 at 11:37 +0100, Andreas Lauser wrote:
> > Hm, okay. Seems like the eclipse files I have are too simplistic. But
> > 
> >  isn't there a (relatively) simple generic syntax for the file format?
> I'm afraid not.  Some (most) keywords consist of (essentially) a single
> data record, terminated by a '/' character.  Some keywords have no
> associated data.  Other keywords have no terminator.  Some keywords have
> an arbitrary number of records (e.g., 'PVTO', 'WELSPECS' or 'COMPDAT')
> and are terminated by a null record (line) consisting only of '/'.  Add
> to this that the number of data items in many records are generally
> dependent upon descriptive metadata in the 'RUNSPEC' section and you end
> up with a highly convoluted structure.

yeah, if you add semantics to it it is definitely convoluted. but I'm talking 
about the syntactic part of the parser...

> There is really only one general statement you can make about the
> structure of keywords and that is that the keyword string matches the
> regular expression
>         ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]\{1,7\}
> Anything else is more or less special case treatment for each keyword.
> Happily, many of the keywords in the 'GRID' section have the *same*
> special case treatment, so there is at least *some* commonality in the
> input file processing.

That would make the syntactic part of parsing the files pretty simple: just 
check of a given line matches the regexp you've given; if it matches, start a 
new keyword, else add more parameters to the previous one...

> > I assumption is that if you do not have to deal with seemingly simple
> > 
> >  stuff like comments, line continuation, include statements, etc in the
> >  code which adds sematics to the syntax, that code will be much easier
> >  to write and to understand...
> Maybe so, but *every* realistic .DATA file uses INCLUDE (possibly
> multiple levels) and comments.

that's my point: if you handle the INPUT keyword as well as comments and line 
continuation at the 'dumb' level, you don't need to deal with all of this on 
the 'smart' level. I don't know how eclipse handles the INPUT keyword, but if 
it uses a just minimally reasonable definition, it inserts the text of the 
specified file instead of the INPUT line, which should be pretty easy to 


Andreas Lauser
Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 61
D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: (+49) 711 685-64719
Fax: (+49) 711 685-60430

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