Hi All,

I somewhat disagree, see below.

On Friday 23 August 2013 07:50:32 Atgeirr Rasmussen wrote:
> In the early days of standard C++, I tried
> to be rigorous about always using very specific exception classes, creating
> a large hierarchy of such. However, I gradually stopped doing this, as I
> saw very little benefit, apart from some exceptional (pun aside, meaning
> very rarely) situations. 

I agree with this practice, the class hierarchy for exceptions should be 
small, and -- foremost -- flat.

> [...]
> (for example, a Newton solver not converging is not an exceptional thing).

That's a thing I see quite differently. The reason is that there are about a 
million things which could go wrong that make the newton solver diverge. If 
any and all of this cases is protected by a classical "if(error) return 
error;" guard, you take quite a performance hit (by means of the guards 
themselfs and by means of missed optimization opportunities). On the other 
hand, C++ exceptions do not negatively impact performance (for details, see 
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13835817/are-exceptions-in-c-really-slow ).

> So over time I gravitated towards the approach followed now in most of the
> software I have made -- report errors with the THROW(something) macro from
> ErrorMacros.hpp. This just sends file and line number plus the 'something'
> part to std::cerr, and throws a pure, unadorned std::exception.

I also have a slightly different opinion about that. IMHO it is okay to encode 
some information in what the error was within the exception object. I think of 
this as a modern version of the old-school C 'errno' variable.

> It could be argued that this is somewhat extreme in its lack of information
> being transmitted with the exception, but my reasoning is as follows: most
> of the time, the context of the exception is important for debugging, and
> this cannot be carried by the exception.

punching 'catch throw'  into GDB makes it break whenever an exception is 
thrown. this is a thing that is very hard to do for the traditional way. Also, 
if more complicated breakpoint conditions are required, putting 
'raise(SIGINT);' into your code makes GDB break at this location. For these 
reasons I think think exceptions are not hard to debug. (That is, of course, 
if you don't use them as a normal return mechanism.)

> That is why the macro prints file
> and line number. On the other hand, the receiving end is rarely implemented
> (other than, perhaps at a very high level), and would not be able to use
> this information anyway.

This might be true for opm-core and opm-porsol, but eWoms catches 
'NumericalException' and tries again with a smaller timestep. As you can 
imagine, is a relatively common case.

> Introducing a new exception hierarchy is of dubious value. I think that once
> you has digested the appropriate usage of the standard range_error vs.
> out_of_range_error vs. invalid_argument vs. length_error and so on (quick
> quiz: what is appropriate for an index check in an array), you will not
> feel the need to complicate any further. If one feels the need for
> specialty exceptions that is fine, but they should be defined close to
> where they are used and inherit logic_error or runtime_error.

I agree that most of these exceptions should not be caught. But i think there 
is some value in the class-name of the exception object itself. Again, that's 
similar to the errno variable of libc. (what do you want to do if this one 
gets set to ENOMEM?)

> Finally, I'll state the obvious that we do not need to discuss. Yes, we
> allow throwing exceptions. Yes, all code should satisfy the basic exception
> safety guarantee (and all developers are assumed to understand what that
> means). No, we do not require the strong gurarantee (but perhaps we
> should).

IMHO these guarantees are quite easy to fulfill if you don't use C-style 
malloc()+free() memory management. Other options are welcome ;)


A programmer had a problem. He thought to himself, "I know, I'll solve it with 
threads!". has Now problems. two he
   -- Davidlohr Bueso

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