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---------- Videresendt melding ----------
Fra: Alf Birger Rustad <>
Dato: 19. mai 2016 11.41 p.m.
Emne: Re: [Opm] Potential Issue with Redhat Repository
Til: George Shang <>

Hi again,

If you look in the mirror file, you will find this line:$releasever
Notice the yum variable $releasever, which in your case is 7Client rather than 
plainly 7. Looking at the Red hat documentation here:
It seems this can be set on your system in the file /etc/yum.conf. 
Alternatively the content of /etc/redhat-release will be used.


19. mai 2016 10.25 p.m. skrev George Shang <>:
Hey Alf,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I just caught that as well. I'm able to access the link by removing the Client 

That said, I'm not very well versed in Linux and so I'm not sure how I can edit 
the opm.repo file to make the change.
Currently, the repo file is as follows:


name=Open Porous Media Initiative






I'm not sure how I can change the xml file address to the proper URL.

Thanks for your help,


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Alf Birger Rustad 
<<>> wrote:

Ah, the string Client should be removed from your link path. Sorry, didn't 
catch that first.


19. mai 2016 8.46 p.m. skrev George Shang 
To whom it may concern,

I'm not sure where emails reporting potential issues should be reported to, and 
so if this is the wrong address, I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the 
right direction.

When attempting to install from your binary packages on RHEL 7.2, I am able to 
add the OPM repository. However, when actually trying to use the repository, I 
get the error

" [Error 
14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.

In addition, none of the mirror's provided in the repo appear to work either.

I wanted to check with you to figure out if this is a problem on my end, or a 
problem with the repo file you have provided.

Thanks in advance,


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