Dear OPM List:

I am a new user to Flow; I am just beginning to experiment with the
keywords to see which work and which don't.

I am not a skilled programmer (no C; some (old) Fortran; reasonable Perl
and VBA).

I am a fairly experienced reservoir engineer.  And I'm confused about the
output in the PRT files.  A report is printed which is called "Field
Totals".  It lists a quantity called "PAV" which I assume to be the
average HCPV weighted pressure.  But is lists a value around 334 (in both
SPE1 and in a case I built from scratch).  I'm pretty sure that the
reservoir pressure is NOT 334; I have BHP constrants of 4800 (producer)
and 5100 (injector).

So what is it?  If it's not what it says, are the volumes in place correct?

Many thanks.

Bob Merrill

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