Dear Atgeirr and Alf,

  Thanks for your quick response.

  If you are familiar with MRST I would like to have access to a function
similar to runScheduleADI.  Further, if possible I would like to have
access or to build adjoint variables for the simulation, however I'm aware
that this last functionality is not implemented yet.

   At the moment I would like to implement an interface to the
fully-implicit simulators that given the initial states of the reservoir
(pressure, saturations, rs, rv) provides the intermediate states for all
the actual simulated timesteps (not only report steps) together with their
Jacobians at convergence.

    In addition to that, I will need to build the Jacobians of the implicit
steps with respect to the initial conditions and well controls settings to
implement gradient-based optimization methods.  I am not sure if these are
readily available and not interfaced or if I have to figure out how to
build them.

- Joakim

2017-06-28 4:56 GMT-03:00 Atgeirr Rasmussen <>:

> 28. jun. 2017 kl. 09.32 skrev Alf Birger Rustad <>:
> Hi Joakim,
> There is currently no library, we have basically viewed ourselves as
> downstream. Still, the code that makes up the application flow is modular.
> We have gone through great lengths to make the various parts reusable, so
> to what extent you can use it for your tasks really depends on your needs.
> To customize the simulator code currently you may have to go somewhat deep
> into it. It is not necessarily hard, but it can be difficult to find the
> right place to modify. If you would like to share a little about what you
> want to accomplish, we could point you in the right direction! In the long
> term, I'd like to see a higher-level API that is well-suited to scripting,
> but we do not have that at the moment.
> Atgeirr
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