Dear OPM community,

I am happy to announce the 2018.04 release. Packages for Ubuntu 16.04 and 
Red-Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 is prepared. New in this release is that also 
the Red-Hat packages are shipped with mpi support.

In addition to various minor bug-fixes and a reorganization of the code, the 
release contains new functionality for the Flow simulator like DRSDT support, 
experimental CPR preconditioning and enhanced output capability. Note that 
number of modules are reduced to simplify the build process and the code 
maintenance. The new module organization is shown 

Med vennlig hilsen / Kind regards
Tor Harald Sandve
Researcher |<>

International Research Institute of Stavanger

Thormøhlensgt. 55 | 5008 Bergen
Direkte: (+47) 48269172

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