hi there,

on redhat things work a little different. in particular there are separate 
packages for mpi.

you have to install opm-simulators-openmpi-bin

and load the mpi/openmpi-x86_64 module in the shell where you want to execute 


Fra: saudiara...@gmail.com <saudiara...@gmail.com> på vegne av sindimo 
Sendt: 4. mai 2018 11:15:36
Til: Arne Morten Kvarving; opm@opm-project.org
Emne: Re: [Opm] OPM Flow RedHat 7 Binary Package Build with MPI Support

Hi Arne,

Thank you for your clarification, I really appreciate it.

I have updated to the latest OPM release of Flow 2018.04 and tested again on 
RedHat 7. I still don't see any performance improvement with the new RedHat 7 
binaries as if MPI was still not working. On Ubuntu it works fine.

For example I ran the Norne model once on 1 processor and once on 2 processors 
on the RedHat 7 machine and the Ubuntu machine (identical machines on Amazon 
AWS m4.2xlarge instances) and these are the timings I get:

Norne on RedHat:
1 processor:  769.437 seconds
2 processors: 839.285 seconds

Norne on Ubuntu:
1 processor:  889.158 seconds
2 processors: 585 seconds

If I do "top" command on RedHat while job is launched on 2 processors, I can 
see 2 processors running. However it doesn't seem that they are running in 
parallel, it seems as if each process is running a separate serial copy of 
flow, hence the run on 2 processors is even slower than the serial run.

Also a quick check using "ldd" on the flow binaries on both Ubuntu and RedHat 
shows that the Ubuntu executable is indeed linked to the MPI library, while the 
RedHat binary still doesn't show any linked MPI libraries:

On Ubuntu:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-200:~$ ldd /usr/bin/flow | grep -i mpi
libmpi_cxx.so.1 => /usr/lib/libmpi_cxx.so.1 (0x00007f350423c000)
libmpi.so.12 => /usr/lib/libmpi.so.12 (0x00007f3503f66000)

On RedHat:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-15-201 ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/flow | grep mpi
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-15-201 ~]$

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-15-201 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep opm

I would appreciate any help with this please to get the parallel version of 
Flow working on RedHat.

Thank you for all of your help.



On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Arne Morten Kvarving 
<arne.morten.kvarv...@sintef.no<mailto:arne.morten.kvarv...@sintef.no>> wrote:


currently the rpm's are not mpi enabled. this will change in the upcoming 
2018.04 release.

it's a bit involved building on rhel, as you need some packages not in base or 
epel. in particular, you need to trilinos (or rather, just zoltan which is part 
of trilinos) to get efficient mpi support, as well as dune and such. if it's 
not extremely pressing i would suggest waiting for the release.


Fra: Opm <opm-boun...@opm-project.org<mailto:opm-boun...@opm-project.org>> på 
vegne av M. S. <sind...@gmail.com<mailto:sind...@gmail.com>>
Sendt: 25. april 2018 22:46:33
Til: opm@opm-project.org<mailto:opm@opm-project.org>
Emne: [Opm] OPM Flow RedHat 7 Binary Package Build with MPI Support

Dear All,

I am interested in running OPM Flow with MPI support on RedHat 7.

I've installed the binary packages on 2 different machines, one with RedHat 7 
and the other with Ubuntu 16.04 using these instructions:


The Ubuntu packages ran fine with MPI and I can see performance improvement 
when running some of the SPE models, however the RedHat 7 version doesn't seem 
to have been built with MPI support.

RedHat 7 currently has native mpi package that can be easily installed by yum 
(based on mpich-3):

sudo yum -y install mpich-devel

Would someone be able please to build the Flow binaries for RedHat 7 with MPI 
support, or perhaps if they already exist can you please point me to where to 
get them?

I attempted building from source code but the Flow third party library 
prerequisite installation seems overwhelming.

If anyone already has their RedHat 7 build environment setup and would be able 
to help I would truly appreciate it. From the instructions on the website, it 
says to enable MPI support you just need to pass this option to cmake during 
the build “-DUSE_MPI=1” .

Thank you for all of your help, I really appreciate it.


Mohamad Sindi

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